You’re at a dental checkup. Your dentist tells you it’s time to take X-rays. Are they really necessary? The answer is yes. Dental X-rays give your dentist a starting point to develop a customized dental plan for you. X-rays show what’s happening in your gums, the tooth roots under your gums, and between your teeth. At Trident Dental in […]
By age 8, over half of all children in the United States have had at least one cavity. That might not sound overly concerning since primary teeth eventually fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth. But that’s not the case. The health of baby teeth is vital for several reasons. Among them: when decayed baby teeth […]
5 Signs of a TMJ Disorder
Temporomandibular joint disorders are a group of disorders involving the masticatory muscles, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), and linked structures. As many as 12 million Americans suffer from a TMJ disorder, suffering jaw and other pain that can linger and worsen over time. The board-certified dentists at Trident Dental in Houston, TX, are experts in diagnosing […]
Flossing daily is one of the most important things you can do to prevent food debris and harmful bacteria from building up between your teeth. Only about a third of American adults floss every day. And, even those who do may be missing spots or using less-than-ideal technique. At Trident Dental, our team offers a […]
Gum disease is very common. In fact, about 46% of adults show signs of the condition. However, just because it’s common doesn’t mean it can’t have a big impact. While you may know that this inflammatory disease affects your oral health, if it’s allowed to progress, it can affect your overall health, too. The providers at Trident Dental in Houston are experts […]