How to Keep Teeth Grinding From Turning Into TMJ

Family Dentist

Almost everyone has clenched their teeth at some time in their lives. But, when teeth grinding is a nightly occurrence it can lead to complications in your oral health, including the development of TMJ. At Trident Dental in Houston, Texas, our experts not only help patients get straighter teeth, but are also dedicated to helping […]

What Happens If You Skip a Root Canal

Family Dentist

Root canals are one of the most common dental surgeries, but they have a reputation as one of the most unpleasant. If your dentist has recommended a root canal, you might be wondering what happens if you just skip the appointment. Even if there’s no pain now, the infection will continue to fester until it’s […]

Should I Worry When My Gums Bleed?

Family Dentist

When blood shows up on your toothbrush or dental floss, it can feel alarming. Thankfully, most causes of bleeding gums are treatable. At the same time, addressing these symptoms early is important for guarding against serious health problems down the line. Our expert team at Trident Dental in Houston, Texas, provides comprehensive dental exams and […]

5 Ways to Make Tooth Care Fun for Kids

Family Dentist

You probably know that brushing is important for adults, but do you know it’s equally important for children? It’s easy to overlook the role good dental hygiene plays in children because they’ll lose their baby teeth.  However, kids can still experience oral health issues, including tooth decay and problems with their permanent teeth coming in. […]

How To Care for a Cracked Tooth Before Your Exam

Family Dentist

Your teeth can withstand a lot of pressure, but they can get chipped or cracked with enough force. When you crack a tooth, you may experience fear and a sharp or stabbing pain as a result of the tooth root and nerves being exposed to the air. Our experienced and compassionate team at Trident Dental in Houston, Texas, offers […]

Why and When You Should Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Family Dentist

Wisdom teeth may not seem terribly “wise.” Although the large molars at the back of your mouth served a function at one point, when humans had wider jaws and needed to chew rugged food like game, they’re basically useless today. Regardless, their name doesn’t stem from how “smart” it might be to have them, but […]

5 Major Benefits of Getting Your Sleep Apnea Under Control

Cosmetic Dentist, Family Dentist

If you’re among the 90 million Americans who suffer from snoring, or the millions more within earshot of a friend or loved one who snores, you’re all too aware of the impact disruptive sleep has on your daily life. It’s not just about the restless nights or the groggy mornings, or even fighting fatigue throughout the day. […]

4 Common Dental Emergencies

Family Dentist

Dental emergencies are common. They can be caused by a sporting mishap, a car accident, or a host of other reasons. Establishing a relationship with a dentist when you aren’t having an emergency is important, so you’ll know where to go when you suddenly have an issue. At Trident Dental in Houston,Texas, we’re here to serve you […]

5 Ways to Prevent Tooth Loss as You Age

Family Dentist

Most adults have 28-32 teeth, depending on whether or not they had their wisdom teeth removed. Having a full set of teeth means you can bite, chew, and talk with ease — but unfortunately, about 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth.  Tooth loss happens with decay and injury, becoming increasingly common among […]

6 Reasons to Use an Electric Toothbrush

Family Dentist

Brushing your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day, flossing properly at least once a day, and seeing our expert team at Trident Dental twice a year for a routine dental exam and cleaning are the three foundational elements of good oral health.  The American Dental Association (ADA) and countless dental professionals across the United […]

How to Prevent a Dry Socket after Tooth Extraction

Family Dentist

Tooth extractions are common, especially when it comes to impacted (or partially impacted) wisdom teeth. While extractions are generally safe and effective, one of the potential complications that can arise is a dry socket.  The board-certified dentists at Trident Dental want you to know more about the potential complication of a dry socket and how […]